Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tips For Sellers - What Should Sellers Do?

Sellers, suppliers or manufacturers should:

- Register on multiple B2B websites (use free membership initially)
- Post their company profile
- Post Products
- Post Sell offers/Selling leads
- Send Quotations to Relevant Buyers
- Set Trade Alert

They should post as many products and selling offers as possible. This would give them exposure on the website and increase chance of getting contacted by buyers.
Sellers should find relevant buyers in the buy offer/buying leads section and send them quotations. Quotations should include product details, price, minimum order, availability of sample, method of payment, port of shipment, production capacity etc.

Sellers should also use the feature of "Trade Alerts" provided by some business-to-business portals. Using this feature enables sellers to receive alerts when buyers post buying requirements of the product sellers have set trade alert for.

B2B websites usually give limited number of slots for posting products and offers to free members and these websites give higher exposure to paid members. So, I would suggest sellers to register with a free membership, understand the functionality and features of the website, analyze if there are enough buyers of the products that they are offering and then upgrade their membership (paid membership). Upgrading to paid membership will not only give them exposure, but it will also create trust for them in the minds of buyers.

Want more information or have any question in mind?? Post comment.

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